Thursday, April 9, 2009

EaStEr EgGs

So my boys have been begging to dye Easter eggs and they couldn't wait any longer! And of course I had no vinegar so it's a good thing I can always call my mom and dad! My dad took it pretty serious with his reading glasses and all! Ha! It's funny because you think you boiled a ton of eggs and it will be a nice little activity and 10 minutes later it's already over! Kids and their patience! But either way the kids had a blast and that was the whole point of it right?!

It is so typical for my boys to be half naked I didn't even realize Tryce was shirtless until I posted these pictures on here! What a nut job!

Hayes watched right on the counter for about a total of 10 seconds before he thought it may be fun to go dump the cups over! (maybe it wasn't even that long) Then he watched from his high chair.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How cute and fun!!! I remember how super cool it was to dye eggs as a kid - you're a great mama!!