Sunday, January 18, 2009

FanTAsY FoOTbAll PArtY!!

So this year I played fantasy football with some friends!! And can I just say that this was SUPER FUN!!! If anyone wants you to join their leauge you must and you will have a ton of fun! We had a post season party at Cafe Rio last night to give out the winnings and just had a blast! I took 3rd place which isn't as cool as 1st but oh well there is always next year! And I can't wait until next year to play again and I can't wait to hang out with all you girls again. We have to do it soon!!! Thanks girls for such a fun night!!!

Here is our whole league minus 2 who couldn't be there.
It's me.
Jocelin, Andrea, and me.
My team name was Milk Bags, if you don't know don't ask!!
Tammy and me.
Me and Andrea.
Hilary and me.
Josh oh wait no Amie and me.
Andrea, me, and Jocelin.


kardizzle said...

You guys are freaks! haha

Andrea said...

If looks could kill! damn thats one hot fantasy football team

Anonymous said...

You are too fun! Looks like a blast and I LOVE THE TEAM NAME! lol!!

Anonymous said...

These are Hot!!

Andrea said...

Hi Jake & Kim! your kids are so cute! we are excited to see you guys next friday :) our blog is